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Is Remote Start Worth it?

Remote starters allow you to start your car without being in the vehicle. On a cold morning, there’s no need to trudge outside to warm up your car. On a hot day, you don’t have to burn your hands on a hot steering wheel. Simply pre-set the temperature in your car, and your remote starter will warm-up or cool down your vehicle to a comfortable temperature. Based on a survey of Compustar dealers, basic remote starter installation costs between $249-$349. So, you might be wondering, “Is remote start worth it?” We think so, continue reading to find out why! 

Pros of Remote Starters 

Since Compustar systems are customizable depending on your vehicle and your needs, the benefits vary from person to person. However, there are a few benefits that ring true for every Compustar user.

1. Remote Starters Keep Your Car Warm in Winter

Using a compustar remote starter remote in winter

No more ice scrapers. If you have a remote starter installed in your vehicle, you will be able to defrost your car with the click of a button. Warming up the vehicle remotely makes your drive more comfortable and saves you time. It’s good for your engine, too! The oil in your vehicle thickens up when the temperature drops. Letting the engine warm-up gives the oil time to circulate properly, extending the life of your drivetrain.   

2. Remote Starters Include Anti-Theft Features

Since you don’t have to physically put the keys in the ignition when you remote start, your vehicle safety is not compromised. In fact, to even perform a successful remote start, you must first lock/arm your system. Many Compustar systems are equipped with a safety mechanism called “starter kill.” This basic security feature prevents your vehicle from being driven when it is locked/armed.

3. Remote Starters Keep Summer Cool

Using a compustar remote starter remote in summer

Remote starters were once seen as only beneficial during the winter months, because they’re a great way to comfortably defrost your vehicle. However, remote starters are actually a year-round product. In the summer months, your remote starter can cool your car to a comfortable temperature as easily as it can warm up your car in the winter. During installation, you can even add a feature that allows you to crack your windows with your Compustar remote for better air circulation in the summer. 

Why Go With an Aftermarket Remote Starter?

a vehicle with a compustar remote starter and dronemobile car gps tracking

Cars that come with remote starters built by the manufacturer are called a factory or OEM systems. These are a nice perk, but are not as powerful as Compustar. With an aftermarket system, you get improved range, 2-way compatibility, and customizable features like advanced security or GPS tracking. 

Check out this post to learn more about aftermarket remote start: The Differences Between Factory and Aftermarket Remote Starters

Every Compustar system is installed by an expert. Our skilled Compustar Installers are ready to get you set up with your perfect system. All you have to do is visit our Find a Dealer page to find your local retailer.